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AJA Macintosh QuickTime™ Codec v4.0

Category: Software Archive

Released: 2009-03-05

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If you do not have a KONA card in your Macintosh, but need to access AJA QuickTime media files, you can use this AJA QuickTime codec to work with the files.

AJA KONA System Test (included as part of the driver download)
A Macintosh utility for measuring system performance with AJA KONA Video Capture cards. The application includes disk drive speed tests and Macintosh video data copy (DMA) speeds. The disk speed tests differ from standard disk I/O performance applications in that they specifically test the system under conditions typically encountered with video capture, playback and editing. Note: most of the disk performance tests are generic and don't require an AJA KONA Video Capture card. The DMA performance tests do require a KONA card and AJA KONA Driver software to operate. The DMA tests are not compatible with AJA Io products.

AJA Data Rate Calculator Application Version (included as part of the driver download)
This OS X software application calculates data rates and storage requirements for a given video size, format, and frame rate. It's great for both KONA and Io users as a resource for configuring systems and determining storage requirements.

AJA TV (included as part of the driver download)
An application for playing KONA QuickTime movies directly to the KONA VideoOutput. It's a quickie way to put clips "on-air" without having to launch Final Cut Pro, make a sequence, etc.

AJA KONA QTToDPXTranslator (included as part of the driver download)
takes a 10-bit RGB QuickTime movie (e.g. one that was captured via KONA 3 DualLink) and turns it into a series of DPX files (the DPX file format is a common interchange format for high-end film and graphics workstations).

AJA KONA DPXToQTTranslator (included as part of the driver download)
does the opposite of the above: it turns a folder full of DPX files into a KONA 10-bit RGB QuickTime movie.

Related Product(s): Io 4K, Io Express, Io XT, KONA 3G, KONA 4, KONA LHe Plus, KONA LHi, T-TAP, KONA 2, KONA 3, KONA LHe

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